My Games Test Automation Uncategorized

Create App Preview Videos for the Apple Appstore

I’ve just created a few Apple Appstore preview videos for my upcoming Dungeon Crawler game: Escape the Dungeon Maze. I’ll share my workflow for creating these videos in this post: 1. Create an XCUI Automation Test: The test should cover all areas which should be part of the video. It can run longer than the […]

Apple Watch Escape The Dungeon Maze iOS My Games SceneKit SWIFT

Escape The Maze – Features

Here are some features which are already implemented in my 1st person perspective dungeon crawler game running on iPhone, iPad, Macs, AppleTV and also on Apple Watch series 3 or newer. The game is developed in Swift and SceneKit. Instead of using a 3rd party game engine like Unreal or Unity, I’ve decided to implement […]

Test Automation Uncategorized

XCUI Tests with SceneKit

I started writing UI tests for my upcoming dungeon crawler game. My game engine uses SceneKit for the 3D world and XCUI  tests for the UI test automation. I recommend this tutorial as introduction in ui test automation with XCUI. I write this tutorial because there is not much information avilable about the combination of SCNKit and […]

Escape The Dungeon Maze My Games Uncategorized

Escape The Maze

I haven’t blogged for a while, because I was busy with my new game project. Working title: “Escape The Maze” Grown up with 16 Bit Home Computers like Atari ST & Amiga and being also fan of the demo scene, I wondered if it is possible to create a Dungeon Master clone on limited hardware […]

Playground SpriteKit SWIFT

Pong like game as iPad SWIFT Playground

Last week on WWDC Apple showed a short demo about a Swift Playground for iOS, which was part of iOS 10 on iPads. They focused on using playgrounds to teach kids and students coding. That seems a little bit unspectacular and is a great understatement. Swift Playground support a lot of advanced iOS libraries like SpriteKit, SceneKit, UIKit.  I was wondering […]

Apple Watch WatchKit

Apple Watch as a Gaming Platform – Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement for a Pong like game

Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement Welcome to my new WatchKit tutorial. Today I’ll show that it is possible to use the Apple Watch as a gaming platform. First let’s look back to the first WatchKit versions. They have been very limited in terms of available input controls. Using alternative hardware stuff like the […]

Parallax Effect Scrolling SWIFT

Quick Tip: Endless scrolling tutorial with SpriteKit and SWIFT (Part 2 of 2)

Natural endless scrolling with easing Welcome to my scrolling tutorial: Part 1: Endless scrolling with background tiles Part 2: Natural endless scrolling with easing   In part one I showed how to implement endless scrolling. This is working fine, but there is still room for improvements. The scrolling starts immediately with full speed and also stops […]

Scrolling SpriteKit SWIFT

Quick Tip: Endless scrolling with SpriteKit and SWIFT (Part 1 of 2)

Endless scrolling with background tiles   Welcome to my tutorial series about scrolling: Part 1: Endless scrolling with background tiles Part 2: Natural endless scrolling with easing This video gives an impression what I’ll show today:       1. About the algorithm and the background tiles   Creating the image tiles for the scrolling […]

Apple TV SpriteKit SWIFT tvOS

Quick Tip: How to use the Apple TV remote to control a sprite in your TVOS Apps

How to use the Apple TV remote to control a sprite in your TVOS Apps Since my Apple TV Developer kit arrived one week ago I had plenty of time to try certain things. I will blog about some of my prototypes in the next days. Today I’ll will focus again on the remote control. […]

SpriteKit SWIFT tvOS

Quick Tip: How to use the remote control in your TVOS Apps for Apple TV in SWIFT

How to use the remote control in your tvOS Apps for Apple TV in SWIFT There are already dozens of ‘Hello world’ tutorials published for the new Apple tvOS, so let’s do something different. I’ll show how to use the remote control to move a sprite on Apple TV. It was surprisingly easy and took […]