Welcome to Part 11 of my blog series about game development.
What does this mean?
One of the first things I’ve to figure out is how to call Objective C code from SWIFT and vice versa. I’ll show this in one of my next posts.
Writing this Blog and implementing a game is one of my hobbies. I’ve no intention to earn money with it. Learning new things means fun for me. I just WANT to learn SWIFT. Maybe I would have taken a complete different decision in my job.
Where to start?
A good starting point to learn Swift is the official documentation from Apple. The iBooks version is available here. If you just want to have a quick start with SWIFT you can use this Cheat Sheet, provided by Ray Wenderlich. You can also find some SWIFT tutorials on his website.
That’s all for today. I want to complete the WWDC video about ‘What’s new in SpritKit’. In my next post I’ll show how to combine SWIFT with Objective C.