
Quick Tip: Integrate iAd banners in your iOS App with two lines of code

The easiest way to add iAD banners to your app Today I’ll show a very simple way to integrate an ad banner to your iOS app. Most tutorials (including mine) explain the complex way by implementing the ADBannerViewDelegate protocol. If you don’t care about error handling, animations, positioning or the maximum number of allowed banner instances […]

AdSense and Admob iOS SWIFT

iAd Integration

Adding iAd Integration: How to implement a space shooter with SpriteKit and SWIFT – Part 7   Tutorial Overview: How to implement a space shooter with SpriteKit and SWIFT Part 1: Initial project setup, sprite creation and movement using SKAction and SKConstraint Part 2: Adding enemies, bullets and shooting with SKAction and SKConstraint Part 3: Adding a HUD with SKLabelNode and SKSpriteNode Part 4: […]