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My Games Test Automation Uncategorized

Create App Preview Videos for the Apple Appstore

I’ve just created a few Apple Appstore preview videos for my upcoming Dungeon Crawler game: Escape the Dungeon Maze. I’ll share my workflow for creating these videos in this post: 1. Create an XCUI Automation Test: The test should cover all areas which should be part of the video. It can run longer than the […]

Test Automation Uncategorized

XCUI Tests with SceneKit

I started writing UI tests for my upcoming dungeon crawler game. My game engine uses SceneKit for the 3D world and XCUI  tests for the UI test automation. I recommend this tutorial as introduction in ui test automation with XCUI. I write this tutorial because there is not much information avilable about the combination of SCNKit and […]

Escape The Dungeon Maze My Games Uncategorized

Escape The Maze

I haven’t blogged for a while, because I was busy with my new game project. Working title: “Escape The Maze” Grown up with 16 Bit Home Computers like Atari ST & Amiga and being also fan of the demo scene, I wondered if it is possible to create a Dungeon Master clone on limited hardware […]