iOS SpriteKit SWIFT Xcode

Kick off for my new SpriteKit and SWIFT Tutorial

I’m preparing a new tutorial: How to implement a space shooter with SpriteKit and SWIFT My goal is to implement a complete space shooter with SpriteKit and SWIFT. Content is: Part 1: Initial project setup, sprite creation and movement using SKAction and SKConstraint Part 2: Adding enemies, bullets and shooting with SKAction and SKConstraint Part 3: Adding a HUD with SKLabelNode […]

iOS ObjectiveC Storyboard UIKit Xcode

How to use an Universal Storyboards in Xcode

Welcome to Part 13 of my blog series about iOS game development: Universal Storyboards At the developer conference WWDC, in June this year, Apple showed a nice concept for targeting multiple form factors: The Universal Storyboards. Basically this replaces the iPad and the iPhone specific storyboards  with one universal storyboard. To enable different layouts for tablet […]

iOS ObjectiveC Xcode

HowTo: Organize ObjectiveC code with the pragma mark directive

Welcome to Part 9 of my blog series about game development: pragma mark directive   Todays post is very short. I’ll only show how the ‘#pragma mark‘ directive can help you to organize your code. The navigation bar on top of the code window provides the possibility to navigate in your code. Just click on the last entry: […]

iOS Xcode

HowTo: Add Splash Screen & Application Icons

Welcome to Part 3 of my blog series about game development. Today I’m adding the app icons and a splash screen. I’ll use an asset catalog for that. If you haven’t completed part 2, you can download the project from GitHub: v0.2.1   First of all let’s hide the annoying header bar:       You have to […]