My Tutorials
iOS Game Development Tutorials:
Automated UI testing
Apple TV/tvOS Tutorials
- How to use the Apple TV remote to control a sprite in your TVOS Apps
- Quick Tip: How to use the remote control in your TVOS Apps for Apple TV in SWIFT
SWIFT Tutorials
- Implement an Augmented Reality game like Pokemon Go
- Pong like game as an iPad Swift Playground
- Apple Watch as a Gaming Platform - Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement
- Quick Tip: Endless scrolling with SpriteKit and SWIFT (Part 2) - Easing
- Quick Tip: Endless scrolling with SpriteKit and SWIFT (Part 1) - Tiles
- Quick Tip: Implement the new Google AdMob / AdSense Cookie Policy
- Quick Tip: Combine iAd and AdMob Ads for iOS in SWIFT
- Quick Tip: Implement fullscreen / interstitial Ads for iOS in SWIFT
- Quick Tip: Integrate iAd banners in your iOS App with two lines of code
- How to add Social Media Integration to your iOS App
- How to convert/integrate Objective C with SWIFT
- How to implement targeting or follow behavior for with SpriteKit and SKConstraint in SWIFT
How to implement a space shooter with SpriteKit and SWIFT
- Part 1: Initial project setup, sprite creation and movement using SKAction and SKConstraint
- Part 2: Adding enemies, bullets and shooting with SKAction and SKConstraint
- Part 3: Adding a HUD with SKLabelNode and SKSpriteNode
- Part 4: Adding basic game logic and collision detection
- Part 5: Adding particles and sound
- Part 6: GameCenter integration
- Part 7: iAd integration
- Part 8: In-App Purchases
WatchKit Tutorials:
- Apple Watch as a Gaming Platform - Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement
- How to debug on a real Apple Watch
Objective C Tutorials
- How to use an Universal Storyboard in Xcode
- HowTo: Implement a Delegate to communicate between SpriteKit Scene and parent ViewController
- HowTo: Organize your Objective code with the ‘#pragma mark’ directive
- HowTo: Implement a HUD in SpriteKit
- HowTo: Extend endless horizontal scrolling with a vertical parallax effect
- HowTo: Use the Device Motion Sensors to control your game
- HowTo: Implement endless scrolling with parallax effects
- HowTo: Implement endless scrolling
- HowTo: Add Splash Screen & Application Icons
- HowTo: Add View Controllers to the game storyboard and use segues to navigate between them
- HowTo: Design for depth - Creating a start screen with parallax animations using iOS 7 motion effects