Welcome to Part 5 of my blog series about game development: Endless Scrolling

Today I’ll create a component which implements the endless scrolling and adds some parallax effects. I’ll use SpriteKit for that. A nice tutorial about SpriteKit can be found here and here.

If you haven’t completed part 3 or 4, you can download the project from GitHub: v0.3

First of all we need some background images to show the infinite parallax scrolling. I’ve created four layers:









Combining all images together looks like this:

Combined Backgrounds


Adding the images to out XCode project:

The size of textures for SKSpriteNode is limited. Therefore I’ll slice the background into tiles:

XCode Project

For example the Background image is only shown fullscreen without scrolling. The Bush background has a size of 4 screens. It is used for scrolling. Remember my last post: The first and the last screen must be identical!

One principle from the Apple design guidelines to provide an excellent user experience is: Do not scale!

That means we need multiple versions of our images in different resolutions.

(=> 4 versions, if we limit our target platform to iOS 7 or newer.)

Endless Scrolling

Add the images to the Asset Catalog. If you are not familiar with Asset Catalog, Apple has a nice tutorial here.

Endless Scrolling

Endless Scrolling

Endless Scrolling

Adding a SpriteKit Scene to our ViewController:

Now after creating many different images let’s start coding …

1. Add the SpriteKit Library to the project

Press ‘+’ to add a new library

Endless Scrolling

Choose SpriteKit.framework

Endless Scrolling

Add an import statement for SpriteKit to the MyFirstGame-Prefix.pch file

Endless Scrolling

2. Create a new Scene:

Add a new file with type Objective-c class:

Endless Scrolling

New file must be a subclass of SKScene:

A SKScene represents the content of a scene in Sprite Kit. It is the root node of other Sprite Kit nodes (SKNode)

Endless Scrolling

Add another file to implement the endless scrolling:

This file must be a subtype of SKNode. A SKNode object can be added to our scene. It’s also possible to other nodes in a hierarchical order, one for every background.

Endless Scrolling

3. Implement ParallaxHandlerNode

This class is derived from SKNode. It is the root element for all backgrounds/tiles which are created for the endless scrolling:


#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>

@interface ParallaxHandlerNode : SKNode

The ParallaxHandlerNode class implements three methods:

  • initWithSize - initializes the object
  • addBackgroundLayer - adds a layer to the parallax hierarchy
  • scroll - implements the endless scrolling for all layers


#import "ParallaxHandlerNode.h"

@implementation ParallaxHandlerNode
  CGSize _containerSize;
  -(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
    return [self init];

  // Add a background layer.
  -(void)addBackgroundLayer:(NSArray*)tiles {

    // Create static background
    if ([tiles count]==1 ) {
      SKSpriteNode *background=[SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:(NSString*)[tiles objectAtIndex:0]];
      background.position=CGPointMake(_containerSize.width/2, _containerSize.height/2);
      [self addChild:background];
    } else {
      // Create a background for infinite scrolling
      // Create a SKNode a root element
      SKNode *background=[[SKNode alloc]init];
      [self addChild:background];
      // Create and add tiles to the node
      for (int i=0; i<[tiles count]; i++) {
        NSString *item = [tiles objectAtIndex:i];
        SKSpriteNode *tile;
        if (![item isEqualToString: @""]) {
          // Add an emtpy screen
          tile=[SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:item];
          tile.position=CGPointMake(_containerSize.width/2+(i*_containerSize.width), 0);
        } else {
          tile=[[SKSpriteNode alloc] init];
          tile.position=CGPointMake(_containerSize.width/2+(i*_containerSize.width), _containerSize.height/2);
        [background addChild:tile];

      // position background at the second screen
      background.position=CGPointMake(-_containerSize.width, _containerSize.height/2);

  // Infinite scrolling:
  // - Scroll the backgrounds and switch back if the end or the start screen is reached
  // - Speed depends on layer to simulare deepth
  -(void)scroll:(float)speed {
    for (int i=0; i<self.children.count;i++) {
      SKNode *node = [self.children objectAtIndex:i];

      // If more than one screen => Scrolling
      if (node.children.count>0) {
        float parallaxPos=node.position.x;
        NSLog(@"x: %f", parallaxPos);
        if (speed>0) {
          if (parallaxPos>=0) {
            // switch between first and last screen
        } else if (speed<0) {
          if (parallaxPos<-_containerSize.width*(node.children.count-1)) {
            // switch between last and first screen
        // Set new node position. Position can't be set directly, therefore tempPos is used.
        CGPoint tmpPos=node.position;
        tmpPos.x = parallaxPos;
        node.position = tmpPos;

4. Create the scene:

The GameScene class is inherited from SKScene and implements four methods:

  • initWithSize - initializes the object
  • touchesBegan - reacts on touch events, changes speed and direction
  • addBackgrounds - adds the background layers
  • update - the game loop


#import "GameScene.h"
#import "ParallaxHandlerNode.h"

// Constants
#define cStartSpeed 5
#define cMaxSpeed 80

@implementation GameScene
  // private properties
  NSTimeInterval _lastUpdateTime;
  NSTimeInterval _dt;
  int _speed=cStartSpeed;
  ParallaxHandlerNode *background;

  -(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
    if (self = [super initWithSize:size]) {
      [self addBackgrounds];
    return self;

  // Increase speed after touch event up to 5 times.
  // After maximum speed is reached the next touch changes the scroll direction
  -(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
    if (_speed<cMaxSpeed && _speed>-cMaxSpeed) {
    } else {
      if (_speed<0) {
      } else {

  // Add the background elements for parallax scrolling
  -(void)addBackgrounds {
    // Array contains the name of the background tiles. "" for adding an empty screen
    NSArray *nameBackground = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"Background", nil];
    NSArray *nameBush = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"BackgroundBushLeft", @"BackgroundBushRight", @"", @"BackgroundBushLeft", nil];
    NSArray *nameTree = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"BackgroundTreeLeft", @"BackgroundTreeRight", @"BackgroundTreeLeft" ,nil];
    NSArray *nameGrass = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"", @"BackgroundGrassCenter", @"", nil];
    // Root node which contains the tree of backgrounds/background tiles
    background = [[ParallaxHandlerNode alloc] initWithSize:self.size];
    [self addChild:background];
    [background addBackgroundLayer:nameBackground];
    [background addBackgroundLayer:nameBush];
    [background addBackgroundLayer:nameTree];
    [background addBackgroundLayer:nameGrass];

  // The GameLoop
  -(void)update:(NSTimeInterval)currentTime {
    // Needed for smooth scrolling. It's not guaranteed, that the update method is not called in fixed intervalls
    if (_lastUpdateTime) {
      _dt = currentTime - _lastUpdateTime;
    } else {
      _dt = 0;
    _lastUpdateTime = currentTime;

    // Scroll
    [background scroll:_speed*_dt];

5. Add the scene to GameViewController:

Add this method to GameViewController.h

  [super viewWillAppear:animated];
  SKView * skView = [[SKView alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.frame]; //(SKView *)self.view;
  [self.view addSubview:skView];
  skView.showsFPS = YES;
  skView.showsNodeCount = YES;

  // Create and configure the scene.
  GameScene *gameScene = [GameScene sceneWithSize:skView.bounds.size];
  gameScene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill; //SKSceneScaleModeAspectFill;
  // Present the scene.
  [skView presentScene:gameScene];

6. Deploy and run

Video That’s all for today.
