HitTests in SceneView
Moved my Worpress Blog to GitHub Pages
Latest Updates on Escape the Dungeon Maze
Create App Preview Videos for the Apple Appstore
Escape The Maze - Features
XCUI Tests with SceneKit
Escape The Maze
Implement an Augmented Reality game like Pokemon Go (Part 1)
Pong like game as iPad SWIFT Playground
Apple Watch as a Gaming Platform - Use the Digital Crown to control sprite movement for a Pong like game
Quick Tip: Endless scrolling tutorial with SpriteKit and SWIFT (Part 2 of 2)
Quick Tip: Endless scrolling with SpriteKit and SWIFT (Part 1 of 2)
Quick Tip: How to use the Apple TV remote to control a sprite in your TVOS Apps
Quick Tip: How to use the remote control in your TVOS Apps for Apple TV in SWIFT
Quick Tip: Implement the new Google AdMob / AdSense Cookie Policy
Quick Tip: Combine iAd and AdMob Ads for iOS in SWIFT
Quick Tip: Integrate iAd banners in your iOS App with two lines of code
I've published an update for my (Watch) puzzle game in the Apple App Store
Quick Tip: Implement fullscreen / interstitial Ads for iOS in SWIFT
In-App Purchases
How to debug on a real Apple Watch
How to add Social Media Integration to your iOS App
My SpriteKit and SWIFT tutorial project is in the AppStore
iAd Integration
Game Center Integration
Particles and Sound
Collision Detection
Create a HUD
Control Sprites with SKAction and SKConstraint
SKAction and SKConstraint
Writing games is more fun than writing a blog post
Kick off for my new SpriteKit and SWIFT Tutorial
HowTo: Implement targeting or follow behaviour with SpriteKit and SKConstraint in SWIFT
How to use an Universal Storyboards in Xcode
How to combine / convert ObjectiveC into SWIFT
WWDC 2014 and SWIFT
HowTo: Implement a Delegate Pattern to communicate between a SpriteKit Scene and the parent ViewController
HowTo: Organize ObjectiveC code with the pragma mark directive
HowTo: Implement a HUD with SpriteKit
HowTo: Extend endless horizontal scrolling with a vertical parallax effects
HowTo: Use the Device Motion Sensors to control your game
HowTo: Implement endless scrolling with parallax effects
HowTo: Implement endless scrolling in iOS and ObjectiveC
HowTo: Add Splash Screen & Application Icons
HowTo: Add View Controllers to the game storyboard and use segues to navigate between them
HowTo: Design for depth
Kick Off - New Game Development Blog
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