JSON Structure Documentation: Escape The Maze

Top-Level Structure

  • heroes: An array of objects representing game heroes.
  • currentLevel: An integer indicating the current level of the game.
  • displayName: A string, the name of the game.
  • id: A string, the identifier for the game.
  • playerPosition: An object specifying the player’s current position.
  • levels: An array of objects representing individual game levels.

Key Properties


Each hero object contains:

  • id: An integer unique to each hero.
  • hitpoints, mana, stamina: Integers representing the hero’s attributes.
  • hitpointsRemaining, manaRemaining, staminaRemaining: Integers for remaining resources.
  • positionInTile: An integer indicating the hero’s position within a tile.

Player Position

  • row: An integer specifying the row in the game grid.
  • col: An integer specifying the column in the game grid.


Each level object contains:

  • displayName: A string, the name of the level.
  • monsterGroups: An object where each key is a unique identifier, and the value is an object describing a monster group.
  • id: A string, the identifier for the level.
  • cols: An integer specifying the number of columns in the grid.
  • tileObjects: A 2D array of objects representing tiles in the game grid.

Monster Groups

Each monster group object contains:

  • id: A string identifier for the monster group.
  • homePosition: An object with row and col keys for the group’s home position.
  • behavior: An integer representing behavior type.
  • position: Similar to homePosition, indicates the current position.
  • monsters: An object where each key is a monster ID, and the value describes the monster.


Each monster object contains:

  • id: A string, the monster’s unique ID.
  • monsterClassID: A string, identifying the class of the monster.
  • hitpointsRemaining: An integer, remaining hit points.
  • positionInTile: An integer, the monster’s position in the tile.
  • monsterGroupID: A string, the group ID to which the monster belongs.

Tile Objects

Each tile object contains:

  • position: An object with row and col keys specifying the tile’s position.
  • blockType: An integer indicating the type of block.
  • tileStatus, tileVisibleStatus: Integers representing the state of the tile.
  • explored: A boolean indicating whether the tile is explored.
  • direction, type, orientation: Integers for directional or type-related metadata.
  • triggers: An array of objects, each specifying a trigger.


Each trigger object contains:

  • trigger: An integer, the type of trigger.
  • targetAction: An integer, the action to perform when triggered.
  • targetPos3D: An object with row, col, and level keys for the target’s position.