Here are some features which are already implemented in my 1st person perspective dungeon crawler game running on iPhone, iPad, Macs, AppleTV and also on Apple Watch series 3 or newer. The game is developed in Swift and SceneKit. Instead of using a 3rd party game engine like Unreal or Unity, I’ve decided to implement my own, because my game should also run on an Apple Watch.

The Game itself is inspired by Dungeon Master and Legend of Grimrock.

The video shows a subset of my automated UI test cases. I have published a short tutorial about how to implement automated tests with SceneKit and XCUI

Already implemented features:

  • Teleports
  • Pits
  • Rotators
  • Exits to next Level
  • Doors
  • Switches (Floor & Wall)
  • Monsters
  • Cure
  • Hidden ways


That’s all for today.
